Quotes about Charity
He who hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none.
- Lancelot Andrewes
For having wealth and wherewithal to "do good", if you do it not, talk not of faith, for you have no faith in you.
- Lancelot Andrewes
There is no such thing as social justice. Only God can balance things out, and we are not God. But honest and decent men can fight for and establish equal justice. There is no such thing as collective salvation. We, however, are going to be judged on how we treat our fellow brothers and sisters. Thus we must serve them, help them with charity toward all. "Malice toward none," Lincoln said. God said it slightly differently — vengeance is mine.
- Glenn Beck
The remedy for most marital stress is not in divorce. It is in repentance and forgiveness, in sincere expressions of charity and service. It is not in separation. It is in simple integrity that leads a man and a woman to square up their shoulders and meet their obligations. It is found in the Golden Rule, a time-honored principle that should first and foremost find expression in marriage.
- Gordon Hinckley
Those who give little accomplish little; those who give much accomplish much; those who give the most become the greatest
- James Allen
Good deeds are the highest notes in life's symphony.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
To love our neighbor in charity is to love God in man.
- Francis de Sales
If a thief helps a poor man out of the spoils of his thieving, we must not call that charity.
- Dante Alighieri
A man who was generous with his wealth. It has been reported that during his lifetime, Carnegie gave away over $350 million of his money to help others.
- Andrew Carnegie
The gospel chargeth us with piety towards God, and justice and charity to men, and temperance and chastity in reference to ourselves.
- John Tillotson
A man should fear when he only enjoys what good he does publicly. Is it not the publicity rather than the charity he loves? Is it not vanity, rather than benevolence, that gives such charities?
- Henry Ward Beecher
A love which does not prove itself in action is not enough, nor is our natural readiness to please a friend; that is not charity, for sinners are ready to do the same. Jesus
- St. Therese of Lisieux