Quotes about Kindness
If we are truly listeners and givers, we will try to help others receive what they need and be a blessing to them. But often our problem is that we spend far too much time trying to bless ourselves and not nearly enough time trying to bless someone else. Godly
- Joyce Meyer
When I walk in love, I am not so caught up in how I feel, but I care more about what is going on in the lives of others than what is going on in mine.
- Joyce Meyer
Stop Saying "Hate" and Start Saying "Joy
- Joyce Meyer
The only way to have a friend is to be one. Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Joyce Meyer
Real love has little to do with gooey emotions and goose bumps; and it has everything to do with the choices we make about the way we treat people.
- Joyce Meyer
From a wise mind comes wise speech; the words of the wise are persuasive. Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. PROVERBS 16:23—24 NLT
- Joyce Meyer
As a Spirit-filled believer, you need to take the initiative to treat people the way you want to be treated, not the way they treat you.
- Joyce Meyer
What we make happen for someone else, God will make happen for us. Do you sometimes find yourself wishing you had more encouragement, maybe from your family or friends or boss? But how often do you encourage others? If you're not sure, then make an extra effort right away. You can be the channel that God uses to keep someone confidently pressing toward success rather than giving up.
- Joyce Meyer
If we are not living our lives to make someone else's better, than we are not really living at all.
- Joyce Meyer
Encouraging someone and speaking truth into someone's life when God asks you to do so are healthy and wonderful things—but it's never right to make a quick, dismissive judgment. Our judgments based on external appearances don't have all the information and wisdom that
- Joyce Meyer
Trust in Him Think of three specific friends, neighbors, or coworkers you see regularly. Commit to listen intentionally the next time you're together, as you trust God to show you how to bless them.
- Joyce Meyer
Love always believes the best; it is positive and filled with faith and hope.
- Joyce Meyer