Quotes about Kindness
Many years from now, what would you like people to line up and thank you for?
- Andy Stanley
The most powerful demonstration of leadership is not a clenched fist of brute force but an open hand of humble assistance.
- Mike Huckabee
Be generous, be humble, and be grateful when achieving your dreams.
- John Maxwell
I don't want to lose the awe we get to help another human being.
- Francis Chan
The lesson I was learning involved the idea that I could feel compassion for people without acting on it.
- Melody Beattie
Learning softeneth the heart and breedeth gentleness and charity.
- Mark Twain
I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.
- Abraham Lincoln
The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being.
- Pope John Paul II
Do all the good you can and make as little fuss about it as possible.
- Charles Dickens
If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
- Albert Einstein
I'm going to tell you the most important secret of human life. The most critical need of the human soul is to be kind.
- David O. McKay
Live like Jesus did, and the world will listen.
- Mahatma Gandhi