Quotes about Kindness
To slight a single human being, is to slight those divine powers and thus to harm not only that being but with him, the whole world.
- Mahatma Gandhi
A woman whose heart is not touched by the sickness of sorrow and whose hands do not go out in relief where it is in her power to help, lacks one of the elements which make the glory of womanhood.
- J.R. Miller
Nobody is so poor he has nothing to give, and nobody is so rich he has nothing to receive.
- Pope John Paul II
All of us would be wiser if we would resolve never to put people down, except on our prayer lists.
- DA Carson
Notice, we never pray for folks we gossip about, and we never gossip about the folk for whom we pray! For prayer is a great deterrent.
- Leonard Ravenhill
It ill becomes us to invoke in our daily prayers the blessings of God, the Compassionate, if we in turn will not practice elementary compassion toward our fellow creatures.
- Mahatma Gandhi
I am often, I believe, praying for others when I should be doing things for them. It's so much easier to pray for a bore than to go and see him.
- CS Lewis
It is impossible to pray for someone without loving him, and impossible to go on praying for him without discovering that our love for him grows and matures.
- John Stott
Scatter good will and love and prayers all around, everywhere, and you will be astonished, not only by what it does for other people, but how it comes back to you in generous abundance.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Prayer in action is love, love in action is service.
- Mother Teresa
If they are wrong they need your prayers all the more; and if they are your enemies, then you are under orders to pray for them. That is one of the rules common to the whole house.
- CS Lewis
Prayer gives us a pure heart and a pure heart can do much.
- Mother Teresa