Quotes about Kindness
Your challenge is to live in such a way as to cause others to win.
- Joel Osteen
Keep shining, keep dreaming, keep being good to people, and God will take care of the persecutors. He'll deal with the critics, the jealous people, the opposition. People can't stop your destiny. The blessing on your life is greater than any force that's trying to hold you back.
- Joel Osteen
Get up in the morning with the attitude, "Who can I be a blessing to today? Who can I encourage? Where is there a need that I can meet? If I meet other people's needs, God can meet mine.
- Joel Osteen
Don't allow someone to treat you poorly just because you love them. And don't let the ugly in others kill the beauty in you.
- Joel Osteen
Don't worry if you're not getting credit. Don't get discouraged if people don't thank you. God sees your sacrifice. When you give, He gives you more back. When you show someone favor, He shows you more favor.
- Joel Osteen
When you help others rise higher, God will help you rise higher. When you give your time to help others, God will give you more time. When you give your encouragement to someone, God will keep you encouraged.
- Joel Osteen
The only joy in this hard life is serving others.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Of all the things you must earn in life, God's unending affection is not one of them. You have it.
- Max Lucado
Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not in vain.
- Helen Keller
Blessing is the projection of good into the life of another.
- Dallas Willard
True faith, a simple life, a helping hand- the three things prized most in Heaven.
- Frederick Buechner
Discover this mystery: as you help others face their days, you put life into your own. And life is exactly what many people need.
- Max Lucado