Quotes about Kindness
DAY FOURTEEN I DECLARE that I will use my words to bless people. I will speak favor and victory over my family, friends, and loved ones. I will help call out their seeds of greatness by telling them "I'm proud of you, I love you, you are amazing, you are talented, you are beautiful, you will do great things in life." This is my declaration.
- Joel Osteen
Strive to make every person feel special. After all, every person you meet is made in the image of God.
- Joel Osteen
You were created to give. You were created to make the lives of others better. Someone needs what you have. Someone needs your love. Someone needs your smile. Someone needs your encouragement and your gifts.
- Joel Osteen
Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone needs to be appreciated. Every person needs that blessing.
- Joel Osteen
Live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 1 PETER 3:8
- Joel Osteen
When someone is rude, keep a smile on your face. When you stay on the high road and keep your joy, you take away their power." - Joel Osteen
- Joel Osteen
When you focus on not just accomplishing your dreams but on being a blessing, serving others, then you're going to have more joy and you're going to be more fulfilled.
- Joel Osteen
The Bible says, "See that none of you repays another evil for evil, but always aim to show kindness and seek to do good to one another and to everybody.
- Joel Osteen
I can become someone's miracle.
- Joel Osteen
Sometimes you may have to trade places with someone who is hurting.
- Joel Osteen
There's enough judgment in the world; there's enough criticism and faultfinding. Let's be lifters. Let's be encouragers. Let's help someone else experience the God who comes down to lift people up.
- Joel Osteen
The apostle Paul says, "Dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: kindness and compassion.
- Joel Osteen