Quotes about Kindness
Am I as spontaneously kind to God as I used to be, or am I only expecting God to be kind to me? Am I full of the little things that cheer His heart over me, or am I whimpering because things are going hardly with me? There is no joy in the soul that has forgotten what God prizes.
- Oswald Chambers
Never look for justice in this world, never cease to give it.
- Oswald Chambers
If what we call love doesn't take us beyond ourselves, it is not really love.
- Oswald Chambers
Beware of the pleasant view of the fatherhood of God: God is so kind and loving that of course He will forgive us. That thought, based solely on emotion, cannot be found anywhere in the New Testament. The only basis on which God can forgive us is the tremendous tragedy of the Cross of Christ.
- Oswald Chambers
Love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12). He is saying, "I will bring a number of people around you whom you cannot respect, but you must exhibit My love to them, just as I have exhibited it to you.
- Oswald Chambers
Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two." Matthew 5:41 Our Lord's teaching can be summed up in this: the relationship that He demands for us is an impossible one unless He has done a supernatural work in us. Jesus Christ demands that His disciple does not allow even the slightest trace of resentment in his heart when faced with tyranny and injustice.
- Oswald Chambers
Jesus' instructions with regard to judging others is very simply put; He says, "Don't." The average Christian is the most piercingly critical individual known. Criticism is one of the ordinary activities of people, but in the spiritual realm nothing is accomplished by it. The effect of criticism is the dividing up of the strengths of the one being criticized.
- Oswald Chambers
Service is the overflow which pours from a life filled with love and devotion.
- Oswald Chambers
A heartless Christian must be a terrible grief to our Lord.
- Oswald Chambers
O Lord, my Lord, I come to Thee this morning with a sense of spiritual failure. Cleanse me by Thy grace and restore me to the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. O that the sweet kindness of Jesus were more and more manifest in me.
- Oswald Chambers
We're all in this together. And every time we judge or think anything less than charitable about anyone, we crucify ourselves. We inflict self-pain.
- Pam Grout
As human beings, we are capable of creating a paradise, and making each other's lives better by our own hands. Yes, yes, yes—this is possible.
- Pam Grout