Quotes about Kindness
There is some good in every person if you can find it. It is a teacher's duty to find and develop it.
- LM Montgomery
Oh, they meant to be — I know they meant to be just as good and kind as possible. And when people mean to be good to you, you don't mind very much when they're not quite — always.
- LM Montgomery
She had died in her sleep, painlessly and calmly, and on her face was a smile- as if, after all, death had come as a kindly friend to lead her over the threshold, instead of the grisly phantom she had dreaded...Anne, looking down through a mist of tears, at her old playfellow, thought she saw the face of God had meant Ruby to have, and remembered it so always.
- LM Montgomery
But, Felix, you may be sure that God is infinitely more beautiful and loving and tender and kind than anything we can imagine of Him. Never believe anything else, my boy.
- LM Montgomery
I CAN help people—I've learned that money isn't the only power for helping people. Anyone who has sympathy and understanding to give has a treasure that is without money and without price.
- LM Montgomery
And when people mean to be good to you, you don't mind very much when they're not quite—always.
- LM Montgomery
Perhaps she had not succeeded in inspiring any wonderful ambitions in her pupils, but she had taught them, more by her own sweet personality than by all her careful precepts, that it was good and necessary in the years that were before them to live their lives finely and graciously, holding fast to truth and courtesy and kindness, keeping aloof from all that savored of falsehood and meanness and vulgarity.
- LM Montgomery
Never, if you can help it, be the bringer of ill news
- LM Montgomery
The folks who lived before me have done so much for me that I want to show my gratitude by doing something for the folks who will live after me.
- LM Montgomery
There is something in me today that makes just love everybody I see.
- LM Montgomery
I hope some one will always need me," said Anne to Dusty Miller. "And it's wonderful, Dusty Miller, to be able to give happiness to somebody.
- LM Montgomery
Mr. Leonard thought rightly that the highest work to which any man could be called was a life of service to his fellows; but he made the mistake of supposing the field of service much narrower than it is—of failing to see that a man may minister to the needs of humanity in many different but equally effective ways.
- LM Montgomery