Quotes about Kindness
I try not to speak about all the charities and people I help, because I believe we can only be truly generous when we expect nothing in return.
- Muhammad Ali
When it comes to love, compassion, and other feelings of the heart, I am rich.
- Muhammad Ali
Think well of all, be patient with all, and try to find the good in all.
- Muhammad Ali
How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you.
- Muhammad Ali
Every act of love, gratitude, and kindness; every work of art or music inspired by the love of God and delight in the beauty of his creation; every minute spent teaching a severely handicapped child to read or to walk; every act of care and nurture, of comfort and support, for one's fellow human beings and for that matter one's fellow nonhuman creatures; and of course every prayer, all Spirit-led teaching, every deed that spreads the gospel
- NT Wright
This should not put us off. A world full of people who read and pray the Sermon on the Mount, or even a world with only a few such people in it, will always be a better place than a world without such people.
- NT Wright
When people who are in authority in our lives make a mistake and we are there to help them fix it, that expression of kindness allows them to accept what they did as wrong instead of needing to justify or blame. It endears them to us, and the light of Jesus Christ is clearly seen in us. The next time we give our opinion, we can be sure they will give it greater consideration because we have earned the right to be heard.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
You will achieve more in this world through acts of mercy than you will through acts of retribution.
- Nelson Mandela
What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela
I learned that to humiliate another person is to make him suffer an unnecessarily cruel fate. Even as a boy, I defeated my opponents without dishonoring them.
- Nelson Mandela
I always knew that deep down in every human heart, there was mercy and generosity.
- Nelson Mandela
It never hurts to see the good in someone, they often act the better because of it.
- Nelson Mandela