Quotes about Kindness
Commend, Don't Criticize
- John Wooden
principle, per-sis tence, and compassion—three
- John Wooden
Nothing Is Stronger than Gentleness
- John Wooden
when you start displaying courtesy, politeness, and consideration, people start displaying them right back.
- John Wooden
The smallest good dead is better than the best intention
- John Wooden
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave." It
- John Wooden
We resonate with one another's sorrows because we are interconnected. Being whole and simultaneously part of a larger whole, we can change the world simply by changing ourselves. If I become a center of love and kindness in this moment, then in a perhaps small but hardly insignificant way, the world now has a nucleus of love and kindness it lacked the moment before. This benefits me and it benefits others.
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
Experiment with giving away this energy--in little ways at first--directing it toward yourself and toward others with no thought of gain or return. Give more than you think you can, trusting that you are richer than you think. Celebrate this richness. Give as if you had inexhaustible wealth. This is called kingly giving.
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
If you believe in love, do you manifest it or just talk a lot? If you believe in compassion, in non-harming, in kindness, in wisdom, in generosity, in calmness, in solitude, in non-doing, in being even-handed and clear, do you manifest these qualities in your daily life? This is the level of intentionality which is required to keep your meditation practice vital
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
There is really only one way to do this. It takes a ruthless and, at the same time, kind and self-compassionate commitment to seeing your own impulses to go for the familiar, to fall into habitual patterns and confining mind-sets, and a willingness to let go of them in the very moments when they arise.
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
My religion is kindness. THE DALAI LAMA
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
Perhaps most of all, you need to give to yourself first for a while. Then you might try giving others a tiny bit more than you think you can, consciously noting and letting go of any ideas of getting anything in return.
- Jon Kabat-Zinn