Quotes about God
I am also praying for you, my beloved partner. God has a miracle breakthrough for your life.
- Mike Evans
Only God can change a season of war into a season of peace. Would you agree with me in prayer for peace?
- Mike Evans
Our generation has learned to hold to the standard of each other instead of the standard of God. That is the travesty: God is no longer the standard; we are.
- Mike Huckabee
The difference between justice and forgiveness: To be just is to condemn the fault and, because of the fault, to condemn the doer as well. To forgive is to condemn the fault but to spare the doer. That's what the forgiving God does.
- Miroslav Volf
Faith is the way we as receivers relate appropriately to God as the giver. It is empty hands held open for God to fill.
- Miroslav Volf
In the minds of most people, Christianity is supposed to be about love of God and neighbor (even though it is true that at the heart of Christianity does not lie human love at all, but God's love for humanity24
- Miroslav Volf
the true God gives so we can become joyful givers and not just self-absorbed receivers.
- Miroslav Volf
Love properly understood is God—the font of all creation and the ultimate goal of all desires; God properly understood is love.
- Miroslav Volf
God doesn't give in order to acquire. God loves without self-seeking; that's at the heart of who God is. God gives for the benefit of others.
- Miroslav Volf
This is a book about worshiping the true God and letting the true God act in us. It tells us as plainly as possible that the true God is a God who cannot stop giving and forgiving, and that our knowledge of this true God is utterly bound up with our willingness to receive from the hand of God the liberty to give and forgive.
- Miroslav Volf
Faith is an expression of the fact that we exist so that the infinite God can dwell in us and work through us for the well-being of the whole creation. If faith denies anything, it denies that we are tiny, self-obsessed specks of matter who are reaching for the stars but remain hopelessly nailed to the earth stuck in our own self-absorption. Faith is the first part of the bridge from self-centeredness to generosity.
- Miroslav Volf
Slowly and imperceptibly, the one true God begins acquiring the features of the gods of this world. For instance, our God simply gratifies our desires rather than reshaping them in accordance with the beauty of God's own character. Our God then kills enemies rather than dying on their behalf as God did in Jesus Christ.
- Miroslav Volf