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Quotes about God

You will find what you are looking for when you realize God has placed those longings in your heart as a divine desire; your hunger is a gift from God to draw you to Him. It's a holy want with a holy fulfillment. Everything you really need and want is offered by and found in Him.
- Mike Bickle
We will never be completely satisfied by our achievements, skills, wealth, fame, pleasures, or possessions. Why? Because the human heart was created to need more than what is available to us in the natural realm. Only the eternal, supernatural God can fill our longings.
- Mike Bickle
A look at Simeon and Anna also shows how God significantly uses older people in serving the Lord through continual prayer and fasting. In our day, God is going to use people who are retired. If you are nearing retirement, your strength has been given to you for this hour, and God has freed you from many things. There's not a more powerful force in the earth than that of senior saints who have time and passion for Jesus.
- Mike Bickle
Prayer is not about informing or persuading God but about connecting with Him in relationship. He is looking for conversation and dialogue with
- Mike Bickle
We don't want people to understand forgiveness or prayer or mission or justice only intellectually. We want people who can forgive, who can hear and respond to God, who actually know Him. We want people who have hearts that break for our world and the people in it and do something about it. We want the kind of people in our communities who resemble the people we see in Scripture.
- Mike Breen
MCs center their rhythms on growing in relationship with God (UP), with one another (IN), and with those they are reaching out to (OUT). This is community life centered on the Great Commandment and the Great Commission: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind soul and strength" (UP). "Love your neighbor as yourself" (IN). "Go and make disciples of all people groups" (OUT).
- Mike Breen
When disciples are in stage three, the concept that sets them free is "God is in charge." They have to acknowledge grace and begin to work it into their lifestyle. This is not easy for most of us, but it is the one thing that will move us on to growth and maturity.
- Mike Breen
As John Piper puts it, "For people who are passing through the dark night of the soul, turnaround will come because God brings unwavering lovers of Christ into their lives who do not give up on them."24
- Mike Breen
rest from our activities is listed in God's Top Ten. The commandment to keep the Sabbath is right up there with "don't kill," "don't steal," and "don't commit adultery." In other words, being a workaholic is, to God, just as bad as being a murderer or adulterer.
- Mike Breen
It is liberating to think that, with God's Spirit, over time, we can learn the ways of Jesus, doing the things that he did while becoming the same type of person. It doesn't happen overnight, and the expectation of Scripture isn't that it happens overnight.
- Mike Breen
You become part of the family by surrendering your agenda and joining God's deal.
- Mike Breen
Christianity is concerned with the unfolding of the Kingdom of God in the world, not the longevity of organizations.
- Mike Breen