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Quotes about God

THIS, therefore, is also essentially necessary and wholesome for Christians to know: That God foreknows nothing by contingency, but that He foresees, purposes, and does all things according to His immutable, eternal, and infallible will.
- Martin Luther
For it to be called a Sacrament, there first needs to be an outward, tangible sign or created thing by which God deals visibly with us, that we may be sure of it. It is not His will to work with us apart from outward means, solely by secret suggestions or special revelation from heaven. But the outward work and sign does not by itself avail or do anything unless it is joined by His Word, by which the sign is made effective and we are made aware of what God is doing in us by this sign.
- Martin Luther
Trying to merit grace by preceding works, therefore, is trying to placate God with sins, which is nothing but heaping sins upon sins, making fun of God, and provoking His wrath.
- Martin Luther
Neither men who try to keep the Law, nor those who do not try to keep it, are justified before God, for they are all spiritually dead.
- Martin Luther
Moreover, I cannot bear with laws for the interpretation of the word of God, since the word of God, which teaches liberty in all other things, ought not to be bound.
- Martin Luther
Nothing so provokes God as unbelief, for this means denying God directly and thus committing idolatry.
- Martin Luther
They testify that nature is not changed but is preserved by God. But the stupid and crazy mob of monks has taught that parents, wives, and the world should be abandoned and that one should withdraw into a monastery. But what is to become of human society or finally of all life? Surely that was not sanctity or worship of God, as they have called it; it was satanic madness.
- Martin Luther
And this our God, so Scripture says, rejoices over us when we are persuaded that He is not incensed at us but is our kind and lovable Friend.
- Martin Luther
Meanwhile it is to be noted that the whole Scripture of God is divided into two parts: precepts and promises.
- Martin Luther
By contrast, if God works in us, the will is changed, and being gently breathed upon by the Spirit of God, it again wills and acts from pure willingness and inclination and of its own accord, not from compulsion
- Martin Luther
since God is always to be called on, therefore one must always be in trouble.
- Martin Luther
But iniquity on earth is to prefer one's own righteousness to the righteousness of God; indeed, they want the very unrighteousness which they work to be righteousness.
- Martin Luther