Quotes about God
Does the presence of pain mean the absence of God? I try to help people see that God uses pain, that pain is one of the ways God shapes us into the kind of beings He wants us to be for eternity.
- Max Lucado
Deflating inflated egos is so important to God that He offers to help.
- Max Lucado
See your enemies, not as God's failures, but as God's projects.
- Max Lucado
It's God's job to run the world. Sometimes we accomplish more by doing less.
- Max Lucado
I've never been surprised by God's judgment, but I'm still stunned by His grace.
- Max Lucado
Does God know if I am ignored or rejected? Find the answer in the compassionate eyes of Christ as he stands to defend the adulterous woman.
- Max Lucado
We might question God's actions, decisions, or declarations. But we can never, ever question his zany, stunning, unquenchable affection.
- Max Lucado
God crowns us. Most people crown their Christmas trees with either an angel or a star. God uses both.
- Max Lucado
The wonders of nature call to you. The promises and prophecies of Scripture speak to you. God himself reaches out to you.
- Max Lucado
Unhappiness on earth cultivates a hunger for heaven. By gracing us with a deep dissatisfaction, God holds our attention.
- Max Lucado
Be kind to yourself. God thinks you're worth his kindness. And he's a good judge of character.
- Max Lucado
It's against God's nature to remember forgiven sins
- Max Lucado