Quotes about Unconditional
Jesus teaches us to give richly, serve sacrificially, and love unconditionally.
- Elizabeth George
A marriage filled with unconditional love experiences the depth of grace and mercy.
- Elizabeth George
Grace is when you aren't striving or controlling or trying to change or manipulate or make something happen. Grace is when you find yourself carried along, when all that's left to do is receive. Grace is when you know you're loved, exactly as you are. Grace is an entirely different way of experiencing life. Another word for grace is gift.
- Rob Bell
Grace is when you aren't striving or controlling or trying to change or manipulate or make something happen. Grace is when you find yourself carried along, when all that's left to do is receive. Grace is when you know you're loved, exactly as you are. Grace is an entirely different way of experiencing life.
- Rob Bell
Gospel is the divine announcement that you are loved and accepted exactly as you are, that everything has been taken care of, that everything you've been striving to earn has been yours the entire time, that you belong, in exactly this condition that you are currently in, nothing additional required or needed.
- Rob Bell
Neither son understands that the father's love was never about any of that. The father's love cannot be earned, and it cannot be taken away. It just is.
- Rob Bell
Agape doesn't need a reason.
- Rob Bell
To discover who you really are, you must go beyond who you think you are. To find peace, you must go beyond fear. To experience unconditional love, you must go beyond conditional love, the kind that comes and goes.
- Deepak Chopra
Today, decide to see the world with your heart and not with your head. To imagine what that's like, think about how a mother feels towards her child. No matter how many ways the child may decide to be bad, it's mother doesn't change her love.
- Deepak Chopra
The ultimate lesson is learning how to love and be loved unconditionally.
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Sie werden geliebt. Unbändig.Mit aller macht. Bedingungslos. Das Universum flippt aus vor lauter Freude darüber, wie großartig Sie sind. Es zerdrückt Sie fast in seiner bewundernden Umarmung. Es möchte Ihnen alles geben, was Sie sich wünschen. Es will, dass Sie glücklich sind. Es möchte, dass Sie in sich sehen, was es selbst in Ihnen sieht.
- Jen Sincero
Eres amado. Enormemente. Ferozmente. Incondicionalmente. El Universo se está volviendo loco por lo maravilloso que eres. Te tiene rodeado por un cálido y amoroso abrazo de oso. Quiere darte todo lo que desees, que seas feliz, que veas lo que él ve en ti. Eres perfecto.
- Jen Sincero