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Quotes about Secret

What is the power of Christ? It is the hidden, secret power of the cross and of suffering.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Why is this such a well-kept secret? The core issue is that we don't believe we're still spiritually "bankrupt." Having come into God's kingdom by grace alone solely on the merit of Another, we're now trying to pay our own way by our performance. We declared only temporary bankruptcy; we're now trying to live by good works rather than by grace.
- Jerry Bridges
Proceed to reveal," the Gran Maestro said. "I proceed to reveal," the Colonel said. "Listen carefully, Daughter. This is the Supreme Secret. Listen. 'Love is love and fun is fun. But it is always so
- Ernest Hemingway
The realm of the unseen holds your secret hero identity. Being a hero is an act of worship. Heroes
- Lisa Bevere
Contemplation is nothing else but a secret, peaceful, and loving infusion of God, which, if admitted, will set the soul on fire with the Spirit of love.
- John of the Cross
The secret of contentment is the realization that life is a gift, not a right. Next to faith this is the highest art - to be content with the calling in which God has placed you.
- Martin Luther
There was one who was great by reason of his power, and one who was great by reason of his wisdom, and one who was great by reason of his hope, and one who was great by reason of his love; but Abraham was greater than all, great by reason of his power whose strength is impotence, great by reason of his wisdom whose secret is foolishness, great by reason of his hope whose form is madness, great by reason of the love which is hatred of oneself.
- Soren Kierkegaard
The secret of my success? It is simple. It is found in the Bible.
- George Washington Carver
God sees everything. He's keeping the records. The Scripture says, "What you do in secret, God will reward in the open." Don't worry if you're not getting credit. Don't get discouraged if people don't thank you. God sees your sacrifice.
- Joel Osteen
The union of the Word and the Mind produces that mystery which is called Life... Learn deeply of the Mind and its mystery, for therein lies the secret of immortality.
- Joseph Addison
And the greatest teacher of them all, the carpenter from the plains of Galilee, gave us the Secret time and time again, "As ye believe, so shall it be done, unto you.
- Earl Nightingale
It is only into the thirst of an empty soul that the streams of living waters flow. Ever thirsting is the secret of never thirsting.
- Andrew Murray