Quotes about Disconnect
We need long train journeys on which we have no wireless signal.
- Alain de Botton
There are a number of things wrong with Washington. One of them is that everyone is too far from home.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
They were both overwhelmed by the sudden flatness that comes over American travellers in quiet foreign places. No stimuli worked upon them, no voices called them from without, no fragments of their own thoughts came suddenly from the minds of others.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
Power tends to isolate those who hold too much of it. Eventually, they lose touch with reality . . . and fall.
- Frank Herbert
My parents haven't reached out to me once. They're religious but not godly.
- Richard Paul Evans
Boredom, cynicism, and despair are spiritual diseases because they disconnect us from the most primal truth about ourselves—that we are here.
- Rob Bell
They lost the connection to their bodies, to nature, and to themselves.
- Deepak Chopra
Quite simply, our isolation from nature has become isolation from God's Word. Cocooned in our manmade world of climate-controlled homes, cars, subways, and high-rises, we're finding it easier to live as practical atheists.
- Eric Metaxas
I purposely engage in ideas and people that get my mind off even the thought of work! That includes napping, working out, going for long walks, reading a novel, watching a good movie, going out for dinner. I avoid the computer and cell phone.
- Peter Scazzero
Looking to the past illumines the present. But make no mistake about it; it is painful. Because so few people do the hard work of going back in order to go forward, the symptoms of a disconnected spirituality are everywhere. The compartmentalization of our spirituality from the rest of our lives becomes necessary because there is so little integration.
- Peter Scazzero
The whole question is extraordinarily complicated because of the gulf that has grown up between art on the one hand and on the other hand both the Church and secular society, so that the artists tend to be out of touch with the common man, while the latter, whether Christian or not, has only a very fumbling critical judgment to rely on.
- Dorothy Sayers
You see families at a restaurant and the kids are on the phone and the adults are on the phone. It's just a catastrophe.
- Ruth Westheimer