Quotes about Delight
To do ought good never will be our task, But ever to do ill our sole delight, As being the contrary to his high will Whom we resist.
- John Milton
Yet not so strictly hath our Lord impos'd /Labor, as to debar when we need /Refreshment, whether food, or talk between,/ food of the mind, or this sweet intercourse/Of looks and smiles, for smiles from Reason flow,/To brutes denied, and are of Love the food, Love not the lowest end of human life. For not to irksome toil, but to delight/ He made us, and delight to reason join'd.
- John Milton
The issue when it comes to meditation is what, not if. The mind observes the impulse to meditate the way the body observes the law of gravity. Scripture has a lot to say about meditating wisely. The psalmist talks about the fruitful person as one whose "delight is in the law of the
- John Ortberg
So much as we see of the love of God, so much shall we delight in him, and no more.
- John Owen
I am crucified to them; my heart is mortified to them. I have no desire after them or affection for them or delight in them; they are crucified to me. The crowns, glories, thrones, pleasures, and profits of the world, I see nothing desirable in them. The lusts, sensual pleasures, loves, respects, and honors of men, name, and reputation among them, they are all nothing to me. I do not value or esteem them.
- John Owen
Every approach unto God by ardent love and delight is transfiguring. And it acts itself continually by,—(1.) Contemplation; (2.) Admiration; and, (3.) Delight in obedience.
- John Owen
All great natures delight in stability; all great men find eternity affirmed in the very promise of their faculties.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ce n'est pas pour rester dans le ciboire d'or qu'il descend chaque jour du ciel, mais afin de trouver un autre ciel: le ciel de notre âme où il prend ses délices.
- St. Therese of Lisieux
She had known happiness, exquisite happiness, intense happiness, and it silvered the rough waves a little more brightly, as daylight faded, and the blue went out of the sea and it rolled in waves of pure lemon which curved and swelled and broke upon the beach and the ecstasy burst in her eyes and waves of pure delight raced over the floor of her mind and she felt, It is enough! It is enough!
- Virginia Woolf
Marvelous are the innocent.
- Virginia Woolf
There might be some credit in being jolly.
- Charles Dickens
Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but to delight in it when it comes.
- Charles Dickens