Quotes about Spiritual warfare
Every inch of ground we refuse to take with God, we surrender to the enemy.
- Beth Moore
Satan is the master distracter. He is always working to keep us off track in our walk with God.
- Joyce Meyer
To be obsessed by God is to have an effective barricade against all the assaults of the enemy.
- Oswald Chambers
When you desire to be most alive to God, you will generally find sin most alive to repel you.
- Charles Spurgeon
A soul, therefore, when deprived of the Word of God, is given up unarmed to the devil for destruction
- John Calvin
If thou wilt fly from God, the devil will lend thee both spurs and a horse.
- Thomas Adams
I believe the enemy has numerous tactics to keep us from praying because he knows that it is the greatest way for the kingdom of God to expand.
- KP Yohannan
When we trust God more than our feelings, it confuses the devil. I mean, when he throws you his best shot and he can't budge you from believing God, he won't know what to do with you anymore.
- Joyce Meyer
If you will tell me when God permits a Christian to lay aside his armour, I will tell you when Satan has left off temptation.
- Charles Spurgeon
If God wiped out all sources of evil in the world we would no longer be here, the evil is inside us.
- Timothy Keller
Fight if you must on the path of righteousness and God will be with you.
- Mahatma Gandhi
WITNESSING: God loves it; Satan hates it. So do you think you should be doing it?
- Mark Cahill