Quotes about Spiritual warfare
David replied to the Philistine, "You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of Heaven's Armies.
- Greg Laurie
Know well that the enemy laboureth in all wise to stay thy desire in good and to make thee void of all good exercise.
- Thomas a Kempis
A Christian is a military person, he fights the Lord's battles, he is Christ's ensignbearer. Now, what though he endures hard fate, and the bullets fly about? He fights for a crown!
- Thomas Watson
Satan loves to fish in the troubled waters of a discontented heart.
- Thomas Watson
A Christian is commanded to warm-hearted service; he must charge through the whole army of his lusts, every one of which is stronger than Goliath.
- Thomas Watson
This is a sign of a new nature: when a man hates what he once loved! And because he hates sin, therefore he fights against it with the "sword of the Spirit" (Eph 6:17), as a man who hates a serpent seeks the destruction of it.
- Thomas Watson
Sin makes our armor vulnerable to attack from Satan, who then gains permission from God to attack us in the area where we have failed to uphold righteousness. If we break down in moral purity, Satan comes in and establishes a stronghold. If we give place to bitterness and unwillingness to forgive, we break fellowship with God and others. If we become money-focused, we fall into greed and deception. Sin is a vicious cycle that leaves us weak and vulnerable to ever more sin.
- OS Hillman
If war is not holy man is nothing but antic clay.
- Cormac McCarthy
Satan is only interested in your soul. He doesnt give a shit about your welfare otherwise.
- Cormac McCarthy
This is a fact. But Satan does not attack just prayer; he also attacks the praise of God's children. The ultimate goal of Satan is to stop all praises to God. Prayer is a warfare, but praise is a victory. Prayer signifies spiritual warfare, but praise signifies spiritual victory. Whenever we praise, Satan flees. Therefore, Satan hates our praising the most. He will use all his strength to stop our praising.
- Watchman Nee
Only those who sit can stand. Our power for standing, as for walking, lies in our having first been made to sit together with Christ. The Christian's walk and warfare alike derive their strength from his position there. If he is not sitting before God he cannot hope to stand before the enemy.
- Watchman Nee
However zealous He is towards His own will, He will temporarily permit Satan to be on the offensive should His people forget His will and fail to show sympathy by cooperating with Him.
- Watchman Nee