Quotes about Anticipation
Not yet do you feel it. Wait for the future.
- Euripides
I live in a house over there on the Island, and in that house there is a man waiting for me. When he drove up at the door I drove out of the dock because he says I'm his ideal.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
Life's darker side: that's Advent.
- Fleming Rutledge
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good roles to come my way.
- Payal Rohatgi
Waiting is a period of learning. The longer we wait, the more we hear about him for whom we are waiting.
- Henri Nouwen
There is no author whose books I look forward to more than Vaclav Smil.
- Bill Gates
I'm a tennis fan, so I like Roger Federer. He's always two or three steps ahead, so he's hitting a shot, but he's also thinking about the next two shots. So I try to be in that frame of mind - to always be ahead.
- Andre Iguodala
Once we truly grasp the message of the 'New Testament', it is impossible to read the 'Old Testament' again without seeing Christ on every page, in every story, foreshadowed or anticipated in every event and narrative.
- Michael Horton
The pre-bite dopamine blast you're now getting is the promise of more bliss, and the post-bite drop in dopamine is, in a way, the breaking of the promise—or, at least, it's a kind of biochemical acknowledgment that there was some overpromising. To the extent that you bought the promise—anticipated greater pleasure than would be delivered by the consumption itself—you have been, if not deluded in the strong sense of that term, at least misled.
- Robert Wright
Do not force me to look any longer at what I have become. Tell me instead what is to come.
- Robin Jones Gunn
When it comes to success, it will come when it comes. A delay does not mean a denial.
- Les Brown
Maria had been expecting a visitor, for the broom had fallen only an hour earlier, which always meant company was coming.
- Alice Hoffman