Quotes about Attachment
Purpose is to life what the skeleton is to the body. The muscle may have strength, but it needs support and attachment.
- Ravi Zacharias
If you find yourself cluttered up and done in by disorganization, ask yourself why you seem to hang on to everything that comes your way. Do you feel obligated to keep it just because someone gave it to you? Of course, we don't want to hurt people's feelings, but on the other hand, if a gift is given correctly, it comes with no strings attached. If someone truly gives you a gift, it should be yours to do with as you please.
- Joyce Meyer
It is so easy to become more attached to the gifts of God than to the Giver—and even, I should add, to the work of God than to God Himself.
- Watchman Nee
Some people hold on to a position or title for dear life; they hold on so tight, in fact, that they sabotage their own lives in the process.
- Darlene Zschech
That one . . . she is mine.
- Rachel Hauck
If a man own land, the land owns him.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
You want to know if the heart of a man or a woman can contain enough love for more than one person? ... I think it's perfectly possible as long as one of those people doesn't turn into ... a Zahir.
- Paulo Coelho
A man suffers death himself as often as he loses those dear to him.
- Publilius Syrus
Great sins are great possessions; but levities and vanities possess us too; and men had rather part with Christ than with any possession.
- John Donne
Great sins are great possessions; but levities and vanities possess us too; and men had rather part with Christ than with any possession.
- John Donne
The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money.
- Robert Kiyosaki
I think that a person who is attached to riches, who lives with the worry of riches, is actually very poor. If this person puts his money at the service of others, then he is rich, very rich.
- Mother Teresa