Quotes about Attachment
The physician is happy in the attachment of the families in which he practices. All think he has saved one of them, and he finds himself everywhere a welcome guest, a home in every house.
- Thomas Jefferson
The greatest deterrent to giving is the illusion that this earth is our home.
- Randy Alcorn
To conceal anything from those to whom I am attached, is not in my nature. I can never close my lips where I have opened my heart.
- Charles Dickens
We hold on to hope, and hope robs us of the present moment.
- Pema Chodron
If you're as detached as that, why does the obsolete institution of marriage survive with you? Oh, it still has its uses. One couldn't be divorced without it.
- Edith Wharton
Not for the world would he have made a significant to her, though it seemed to him that his life hung on her next gesture.
- Edith Wharton
To be attached to the subdivision, to love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the first principle (the germ, as it were) of public affections. It is the first link in the series by which we proceed towards a love to our country and to mankind. The interest of that portion of social arrangement is a trust in the hands of all those who compose it; and as none but bad men would justify it in abuse, none but traitors would barter it away for their own personal advantage
- Edmund Burke
When happy, we possess something we love; when anxious, something we love is at risk; when despondent, something we love has been lost; when angry, something we love is being stolen or kept from us.
- Edward Welch
The desire for possession is insatiable, to such a point that it can survive even love itself. To love, therefore, is to sterilize the person one loves.
- Albert Camus
Friendship often ends in love but love in friendship--never.
- Albert Camus
Love is a sort of insanity.
- Alexander Hamilton
Every man who loves peace, every man who loves his country, every man who loves liberty, ought to have it ever before his eyes, that he may cherish in his heart a due attachment to the Union of America, and be able to set a due value on the means of preserving it.
- Alexander Hamilton