Quotes about Attachment
Never become attached to anything that continues to hurt God. For you to be free of it, God must be allowed to hurt whatever it may be.
- Oswald Chambers
Our Lord Himself, not being detached from things externally. Our Lord was amazingly in and out among ordinary things; His detachment was on the inside towards God. External detachment is often an indication of a secret vital attachment to the things we keep away from externally.
- Oswald Chambers
External detachment is often an actual indication of a secret, growing, inner attachment to the things we stay away from externally.
- Oswald Chambers
I am designed to appreciate beautiful things, but I must not attach my identity to how many of those things I possess, and I must not let my heart be ruled by
- Paul David Tripp
You are always looking for something to which you can attach your identity, your hopes and dreams, and your inner peace.
- Paul David Tripp
When good things become controlling, they command the affection of our hearts and then shape our words and behavior. When this happens, they take the place in our hearts that only God should have.
- Paul David Tripp
We were made to be more connected to what is above us than to what is below us. To put it another way, our lives were designed to be shaped more by our attachment to the Creator than by the creation. We were made to experience, to be part of, to be consumed by, and to live in pursuit of the one glory that is truly glorious—the glory of God.
- Paul David Tripp
You are always looking for something to which you can attach your identity, your hopes and dreams, and your inner peace. Whatever controls the worship of your heart controls your choices, words, emotions, and actions.
- Paul David Tripp
It shall have two shoulder pieces attached at two of its corners, so it can be fastened.
- Exodus 28:7
and two chains of pure gold, made of braided cord work; and attach these chains to the settings.
- Exodus 28:14
and fasten the other ends of the two chains to the two filigree settings, attaching them to the shoulder pieces of the ephod at the front.
- Exodus 28:25
Make two more gold rings and attach them to the other two corners of the breastpiece, on the inside edge next to the ephod.
- Exodus 28:26