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Quotes about Action

If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.
- Catherine Booth
Fixin' onything is man's work," came Opal's firm answer. Tearin' down or killin', that thar's easy. Any addle-pated fool kin pull the trigger of a rifle-gun or fling a rock. It's fixin' that's hard, takes a heap more doin'.
- Catherine Marshall
Worrying can lead to stress. What do we accomplish when we worry? Focus your mind on actions rather than on worrying! Action brings less stress
- Catherine Pulsifer
Fix the problem, not the blame.
- Catherine Pulsifer
As long as a man has two hands and a strong back, he can make things happen. It's no good being fearful. Worry won't change the future a whit, and it misses the joy of this glad day.
- Cathy Gohlke
Life is full of 'ifs,' Robert. What is important is what we do with what is.
- Cathy Gohlke
In things that are "below him," man has freedom in Luther's view to act as he sees fit. In things "above," however, the matter is different; there we encounter the problem of God's predestination.
- Gerhard Forde
A sacrament is an action in which the Word of God does something to us through the earthly sign. It is an action in which God gets through to us in a concrete way.
- Gerhard Forde
If you convey to a woman that something ought to be done, there is always a dreadful danger that she will suddenly do it.
- GK Chesterton
I have found there are four steps to change. 1. You must want it. 2. You must believe it. 3. You must live it. 4. You will become it.
- Glenn Beck
What have you done with your knowledge and priesthood power that those without have not done this week? If you cannot answer that with power every day, what does that say about you?
- Glenn Beck
Voting isn't the most we can do, but it is the least.
- Gloria Steinem