Quotes about Action
Doing leads more surely to talking than talking to doing.
- Vance Havner
When I give talks like the one I'm going to give at the Changing Advertising Summit, one of the points I often make to the audience is that I'm not one of those speakers who stands in front of the audience and pontificates - everything I talk about I'm actually doing myself. I'm living it.
- Cindy Gallop
As a democratic society, Malawi has a moral obligation to ensure that each and every injustice, whether through acts of commission or omission, is met with deliberate and tangible action.
- Joyce Banda
As one who would rather light a candle than curse the darkness.
- Richard Paul Evans
It is not the ability to walk that pleases God, it is the desire to walk. The desire to do the right thing. The truest measure of a man is what he desires. The measure of that desire is seen in the actions that follow.
- Richard Paul Evans
All that's required for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.
- Richard Paul Evans
We always assume that there's tomorrow to make things right. Maybe that's why the Bible says to not procrastinate your day of repentance.
- Richard Paul Evans
often what we want most in life is just the chance to do what we should have done to begin with.
- Richard Paul Evans
Sometimes the most profound experiences of our lives start with an act so simple and careless that we hardly think about it - like tossing a small stone that causes a massive avalanche.
- Richard Paul Evans
We have to use instead of the weapon of criticism, the criticism of weapons.
- Richard Wurmbrand
He said there were two kinds of Christians: those who sincerely believe in God and those who, just as sincerely, believe that they believe. You can tell them apart by their actions in decisive moments.
- Richard Wurmbrand
I'm looking for a second reformation. The first reformation of the church 500 years ago was about beliefs. This one is going to be about behavior. The first one was about creeds. This one is going to be about deeds. It is not going to be about what does the church believe, but about what is the church doing.
- Rick Warren