Quotes about Action
Faith is something that you do with your life. True biblical faith doesn't stop with thought; it radically rearranges the way that you approach everything in your life.
- Paul David Tripp
God's law is meant to address and expose the heart because sin is always a matter of the heart before it is an action of the body.
- Paul David Tripp
Parenting gets to the core of what should motivate every thought, desire, word, decision, or action that every human being has ever taken.
- Paul David Tripp
Get on your feet or die.
- Paul Hoffman
There is only one way to learn It's through action.
- Paulo Coelho
While it is God who opens the door of opportunity, you must be available to walk through it.
- Perry Stone
The Word of God works when you take the instructions, follow them, speak them, and act upon them.
- Perry Stone
If our prayers for others mean anything at all, they cannot be cloistered away all the time in sanitised environments. Standing in the gap for the oppressed may well mean that it matters where we pray and how we pray, and that our prayers for the poor are worked out very practically.
- Pete Greig
Prayer without action is just religion in hiding.
- Pete Greig
Prayer can detonate mission.
- Pete Greig
Results are obtained by exploiting opportunities, not by solving problems.
- Peter Drucker
I believe that God is more interested in the who. And that means walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Better: it means walking the walk when no words are left. That is trust.
- Peter Enns