Quotes about Action
We can't do everything at once, but, by God, we can do something at once!
- Andy Andrews
We can't stay here." When I am faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act.
- Andy Andrews
A committed heart does not wait for conditions to be exactly right. Why? Because conditions are never exactly right. Indecision limits the Almighty and His ability to perform miracles in your life. He has put the vision in you—proceed! To wait, to wonder, to doubt, to be indecisive is to disobey God.
- Andy Andrews
Almost every result that your life produces from this moment forward — good or bad — will depend upon how you choose.
- Andy Andrews
Despite the ebb and flow of our feelings, we can control the way we act. Patience, for instance, is not a feeling. Patience is the description of a behavior. One can choose to act patiently even while the feeling of frustration tempts him to choose inappropriate behavior. It is impossible to feel frustrated and feel patient at the same time, but one can be inundated with feelings of frustration and still display patience. Patience is a discipline. It is an action. Patience is a chosen response.
- Andy Andrews
God moves mountains to create the opportunity of His choosing. It is up to you to be ready to move yourself.
- Andy Andrews
When faced with a decision, many people say they are waiting for God. But I understand, in most cases, God is waiting for me.
- Andy Andrews
There are those who would say 'Let us be patient. Let us sit and wait upon the Almighty.' I say tot hem, "Get up! The Almighty is waiting on you!' Make no mistake, the Lord God instructs us; He leads us and inspires us, but He expects us to do something with the gifts we've been given. It is a choice that too few make.
- Andy Andrews
Good excuses rarely collect dust. We use them, and use them, and use them.
- Andy Stanley
Next generation leaders are those who would rather challenge what needs to change and pay the price than remain silent and die on the inside.
- Andy Stanley
They ask what I often refer to as the best question ever: "In light of my past experience, and my future hopes and dreams, what's the wise thing to do?
- Andy Stanley
Dreamers dream about things being different. Visionaries envision themselves making a difference. Dreamers think about how nice it would be for something to be done. Visionaries look for an opportunity to do something.
- Andy Stanley