Quotes about Action
Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.
- Ernest Hemingway
I was trying to write then and I found the greatest difficulty, aside from knowing what you really felt, rather that what you were supposed to feel, and had been taught to feel, was to put down what really happened in action; what the actual things which produced the emotion that you experienced...
- Ernest Hemingway
Please tell me what can I do. There must be something I can do
- Ernest Hemingway
If I do it you won't ever worry?' 'I won't worry about that because it's perfectly simple.' Then I'll do it. Because I don't care about me.
- Ernest Hemingway
First we make a choice. Then our choices make us.
- Andy Andrews
Always remember that you have been created with a will that is stronger than your emotions. You can choose how you act, despite how you feel.
- Andy Andrews
It is true: an army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep! I am a person of action.
- Andy Andrews
It is only by your hand that the mind's choices bear fruit. Intentions are like physical beauty—they mean nothing. At some point, a person must actually do something. One's beliefs must become works. By your hand, you establish evidence for others in the truth of what you believe.
- Andy Andrews
When I am faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act. I am a person of action.
- Andy Andrews
To avoid regret, you do and say and express every good thing you can possibly do and say and express to those you love, 'cause you're going to find there isn't always time to whisper goodbye.
- Andy Andrews
Jehovah moves mountains to create the opportunity of His choosing. It is up to you to be ready to move yourself.
- Andy Andrews
1. The buck stops here. I am responsible for my past and my future. 2. I will seek wisdom. I will be a servant to others. 3. I am a person of action. I seize this moment. I choose now. 4. I have a decided heart. My destiny is assured. 5. Today I will choose to be happy. I am the possessor of a grateful spirit. 6. I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit. I will forgive myself. 7. I will persist without exception. I am a person of great faith.
- Andy Andrews