Quotes about Waiting
There can be no good but what God works; to wait upon God, and have the heart filled with faith in His working, and in that faith to pray for His mighty power to come down, is our only wisdom. Oh for the eyes of our heart to be opened to see God working in ourselves and in others, and to see how blessed it is to worship and just to wait for His salvation!
- Andrew Murray
They want to claim, want to take, and want to get, and yet what they crave eludes their grasp. Why? Because they do not wait for God to give it.
- Andrew Murray
Father, teach us all how to wait.
- Andrew Murray
A soul cannot seek close fellowship with God, or attain the abiding consciousness of waiting on Him all the day, without a very honest and entire surrender to all His will.
- Andrew Murray
Our Lord, who learned obedience by waiting every moment to see and hear the Father, has a great lesson to teach us: It is only when, like Him, with Him, in and through Him, we continually walk with God and hear His voice that we can possibly attempt to offer God the obedience He asks. From
- Andrew Murray
We are in such a habit of evaluating God and His work in us by what we feel that it is very likely that on some occasions we will be discouraged because we do not feel any special blessing. Above everything, when you wait on God, you must do so in the spirit of hope.
- Andrew Murray
The manna of one day was corrupt when the next day came. I must every day have fresh grace from heaven, and I obtain it only in direct waiting upon God Himself. Begin each day by tarrying before God, and letting Him touch you. Take time to meet God.
- Andrew Murray
How good is known only by those who prove it in waiting on Him. How good none can fully tell but those who have proved Him to the utmost. My soul, wait thou only upon God!
- Andrew Murray
Let not the interest of religious thoughts and exercises deceive you; they very often take the place of waiting upon God.
- Andrew Murray
All the exercises of the spiritual life, our reading and praying, our willing and doing, have their very great value. But they can go no farther than this, that they point the way and prepare us in humility to look to and to depend alone upon God Himself, and in patience to await His good time and mercy. The waiting is to teach us our absolute dependence upon God's might working, and to make us in perfect patience place ourselves at His disposal.
- Andrew Murray
God unceasingly gives and works; His child unceasingly waits and receives — this is the blessed life.
- Andrew Murray
That is the secret. As the rising sun holds the promise of light for the rest of the day, so your quiet time spent waiting on God will be your promise of His presence and power throughout your day.
- Andrew Murray