Quotes about Cures
The more simple any thing is, the less liable it is to be disordered, and the easier repaired when disordered . . . Absolute governments, (tho' the disgrace of human nature) have this advantage with them, they are simple; if the people suffer, they know the head from which their suffering springs; know likewise the remedy; and are not bewildered by a variety of causes and cures.
- Thomas Paine
Neither prophets nor priests nor psalmists offer quick cures for the suffering: we don't find any of them telling us to take a vacation, use this drug, get a hobby. Nor do they ever engage in publicity cover-ups, the plastic-smile propaganda campaigns that hide trouble behind a billboard of positive thinking. None of that: the suffering is held up and proclaimed—and prayed.
- Eugene Peterson
The great mystery is not the cures, but the infinite compassion which is their source.
- Henri Nouwen
Love is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the pathway of discipleship. It comforts, counsels, cures, and consoles.
- Joseph Wirthlin