Quotes about Desire
Before the day breaks and shadows flee, turn, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountains of Bether.
- Song of Solomon 2:17
On my bed at night I sought the one I love; I sought him, but did not find him.
- Song of Solomon 3:1
I will arise now and go about the city, through the streets and squares. I will seek the one I love. So I sought him but did not find him.
- Song of Solomon 3:2
I had just passed them when I found the one I love. I held him and would not let go until I had brought him to my mother’s house, to the chamber of the one who conceived me.
- Song of Solomon 3:4
O daughters of Jerusalem, I adjure you by the gazelles and does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until the time is right.
- Song of Solomon 3:5
You have captured my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your neck.
- Song of Solomon 4:9
My beloved put his hand to the latch; my heart pounded for him.
- Song of Solomon 5:4
I opened for my beloved, but he had turned and gone. My heart sank at his departure. I sought him, but did not find him. I called, but he did not answer.
- Song of Solomon 5:6
O daughters of Jerusalem, I adjure you, if you find my beloved, tell him I am sick with love.
- Song of Solomon 5:8
His cheeks are like beds of spice, towers of perfume. His lips are like lilies, dripping with flowing myrrh.
- Song of Solomon 5:13
Where has your beloved gone, O most beautiful among women? Which way has he turned? We will seek him with you.
- Song of Solomon 6:1
Turn your eyes away from me, for they have overcome me. Your hair is like a flock of goats streaming down from Gilead.
- Song of Solomon 6:5