Quotes about Desire
The one object God had in making you a branch is that Christ may through you bring life to men. Your personal salvation, your business and care for your family, are entirely subordinate to this. Your first aim in life, your first aim every day, should be to know how Christ desires to carry out His purpose in you.
- Andrew Murray
They want to claim, want to take, and want to get, and yet what they crave eludes their grasp. Why? Because they do not wait for God to give it.
- Andrew Murray
Nothing searches and cleanses the heart like true prayer. It teaches one to ask such questions as these: Do I really desire what I pray for? Am I willing to cast out everything to make room for what God is prepared to give me? Is the prayer of my lips really the prayer of my life?
- Andrew Murray
Yet our Lord really meant it, for in the last night with His disciples He promised them that the power of the Spirit would enable them to live a life of obedience. Lord, I do love You and it is my greatest desire to obey Your commands. Please help me to do Your will.
- Andrew Murray
The sooner I learn to forget myself in the desire that He may be glorified, the richer will the blessing be that prayer will bring to myself.
- Andrew Murray
Let us never be afraid to be still before God; we shall then carry that stillness into our work; and when we go to church on Sunday, or to the prayer-meeting on week-days, it will be with the one desire that nothing may stand betwixt us and God, and that we may never be so occupied with hearing and listening as to forget the presence of God.
- Andrew Murray
Do you love Christ? Do you long to be in Christ, and not like Him?
- Andrew Murray
It is that which made the angels, Jesus himself, and the holiest saints humble. It is the first and chief mark of the relationship of the creature to God, of the Son to the Father—it is the secret of blessedness, the desire to be nothing, that allows God to be all in all.
- Andrew Murray
will not be withheld from it. What is done in the will of God must have the mighty blessing of God." And so let our first desire be to have the will of God revealed.
- Andrew Murray
I am at the head of a station, with a large outlying district to care for. I see the importance of much prayer, and yet my life hardly leaves room for it. Are we to submit? Or tell us how we can attain to what we desire.
- Andrew Murray
The whole difficulty is that we wish to pray in the Spirit and at the same time walk after the flesh. This is impossible.
- Andrew Murray
By Your grace I desire to do Your will in everything, every moment of every day." Say: "Lord God, not a word upon my tongue but for Your glory. Not a movement of my temper but for Your glory. Not an affection of love or hate in my heart but for Your glory, and according to Your blessed will.
- Andrew Murray