Quotes about Desire
It's rotten that every bit of real love in the world is ninety-nine percent passion and one little soupcon of jealousy
- F Scott Fitzgerald
If one can't be a great artist or a great soldier, the next best thing is to be a great criminal.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her; If you can bounce high, bounce for her too, Till she cry "Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover, I must have you!" —Thomas Parke D'invilliers
- F Scott Fitzgerald
In ten seconds he had completely lost his appetite and gained on hundred thousand dollars.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
I began to bawl because I had everything I wanted and knew I would never be so happy again.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
He was born sleepless without a talent for rest or the desire for it. --Cecelia Brady about Stahr
- F Scott Fitzgerald
She laughed again, as if she said something very witty, and held my hand for a moment, looking up into my face, promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see. That was a way she had.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
Well, there I was, 'way off my ambitions, getting deeper in love every minute, and all of a sudden I didn't care.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
You see, I am fate," it shouted, "and stronger than your puny plans; and I am how-things-turn-out and I am different from your little dreams, and I am the flight of time and the end of beauty and unfulfilled desire; all the accidents and imperceptions and the little minutes that shape the crucial hours are mine. I am the exception that proves no rules, the limits of your control, the condiment in the dish of life.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
She looks at him once more, with infinite longing, infinite sadness.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
To hold a man a woman has to appeal to the worst in him. This sentence was the thesis of most of his bad nights, of which he felt this was to be one. His mind had already started to play variations on the subject. Tireless passion, fierce jealousy, longing to possess and crush - these alone were left of all his love for Rosalind; these remained to him as payment for the loss of his youth - bitter calomel under the thin sugar of love's exaltation.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
I came out of a sort of experimental background, and I didn't ever really expect - or even desire - a career as a feature filmmaker.
- Todd Haynes