Quotes about Desire
Can you explain away love too?' I asked. 'Oh yes,' he said. 'The desire to possess in some, like avarice: in others the desire to surrender, to lose the sense of responsibility, the wish to be admired. Sometimes just the wish to be able to talk, to unburden yourself to someone who won't be bored. The desire to find again a father or a mother. And of course under it all the biological motive.
- Graham Greene
Lust is not the worst thing. It is because any day, any time, lust may turn into love that we have to avoid it. And when we love our sin then we are damned indeed.
- Graham Greene
I wondered whether she would consent to sleep with me that night if Pyle never came, but I knew that when I had smoked four pipes I would no longer want her.
- Graham Greene
There I go again. I want. I don't want. If I could love You, I could love Henry. God was made man. He was Henry with his astigmatism, Richard with his spots, not only Maurice. If I could love a leper's sores, couldn't I love the boringness of Henry? But I'd turn from the leper if he were here, I suppose, as I shut myself away from Henry. I want the dramatic always. I imagine I'm ready for the pain of your nails... Dear God, I'm no use. I'm still the same bitch and fake. Clear me out of the way.
- Graham Greene
His lips felt dry with a literal thirst for righteousness, which was like a glass of ice-cold water on a table in another man's room.
- Graham Greene
There are men whom one has an irresistible desire to tease: men whose virtues one doesn't share.
- Graham Greene
I want ordinary corrupt human love
- Graham Greene
She was too beautiful to excite me with the idea of accessibility.
- Graham Greene
Prayer is the idea of wishing for something from the depth of our hearts and bringing that desire forward to the throne of God.
- Greg Laurie
It is the most fundamental reason why each of us exists. Scripture calls it "abiding in Christ" (John 15:4; cf. 1 John 4:16). God's desire is for us to participate in his own eternal love and life and therefore in his own eternal joy and peace by dwelling in the Son.
- Gregory Boyd
In a creation populated with free agents, God doesn't always get what he wants. Augustine and the church tradition that followed him were simply mistaken when they insisted that the will of the omnipotent is always undefeated. Because God desires a creation in which love is a reality, he allows his will to be defeated to some extent.
- Gregory Boyd
Love must always start freeābut its goal is to become unfree. To be unable not to love is the highest form of freedom in love.
- Gregory Boyd