Quotes about Business
And they don't worry about whether the potential client will take advantage of their generosity; they know that for every client that does, nine others will appreciate their generosity and start to see themselves as a client even before they formally decide to become one.
- Patrick Lencioni
Number 1, languages vary in power. Number 2, most managers deliberately ignore this. Between them, these two facts are literally a recipe for making money. ITA is an example of this recipe in action. If you want to win in a software business, just take on the hardest problem you can find, use the most powerful language you can get, and wait for your competitors' pointy-haired bosses to revert to the mean.
- Paul Graham
Deals are my art form. Other people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals. That's how I get my kicks.
- Ed Koch
Let me remind you that credit is the lifeblood of business, the lifeblood of prices and jobs.
- Herbert Hoover
I've got a friend who has a juice business and he brings boxes round and fills up my fridge with fruit and vegetable juices.
- Phil Taylor
I think one thing Liberty finds frustrating is a lot of this business is conducted through the media. That's something they're not used to with American sport. There's that constant comparison of America sport and franchises verses Formula One - American sport works in America, it doesn't work globally.
- Christian Horner
The modern athlete is an individual corporation. I'm not quite sure it's very good for sport, or good for team work, or those different things that sport says it's about. This is about business.
- LeBron James
We're giving jobs to people who would otherwise be out of work if we weren't exploiting cheap labor.
- Lily Tomlin
7 Rules to a Happy Life:1. Be humble2. Don't worry 3. Don't settle for less4. Mind your business5. Work hard 6. Play hard7. Be nice
- Germany Kent
The truth no matter how hard it is to bear, must be accepted and confronted head on because it is real. Businesses and people who accept truth soar.
- Germany Kent
Leaders must always put their people before themselves. If you do that, your business will take care of itself.
- Sam Walton
The first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day is to have my soul happy in the Lord.
- George Muller