Quotes about Compassion
The greatest failure in human existence is the failure of Christ-followers to "love one another earnestly from a pure heart"5 and to heed the words of Christ: "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."6
- James MacDonald
Does God love us even when our hearts are far from Him? The answer: Yes, He does!
- James MacDonald
It is delightfully easy to thank God for the grace we ourselves have received, but it requires great grace to thank God always for the grace given to others.
- James Smith
If men will not understand the meaning of judgement, they will never come to understand the meaning of grace.
- Dorothy Sayers
He has the valuable quality of being fond of people without wanting to turn them inside out.
- Dorothy Sayers
Now, don't you worry, Mr. Appledore. I'm thinkin' the best thing I can do is to trundle the old lady down to my mother and take her out of your way, otherwise you might be findin' your Christian feelings gettin' the better of you some fine day, and there's nothin' like Christian feelin's for upsettin' a man's domestic comfort.
- Dorothy Sayers
He had been taught that bread unshared is bread unblessed when someone else is hungry, whether man or beast, friend or stranger.
- Dorothy West
The memory of a good deed lives.
- Aesop
Acquaintance softens prejudice.
- Aesop
The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.
- Aesop
There is always someone worse off than yourself.
- Aesop
Give assistance, not advice, in a crisis.
- Aesop