Quotes about Compassion
To disrespect a person made in the image and likeness of God is a lot worse than desecrating a flag. We should be offended and repulsed in the same way when God's image bearers are desecrated — abused, beaten, neglected, discriminated against, and not loved and taken care of as they should be.
- James MacDonald
Given the impossibility of not failing one another, when the Bible says, "We all stumble in many ways," the only way forward in loving community with one another is forgiveness.
- James MacDonald
Ed Welch says that all counseling is a variation on a single theme: knowing and praying for the counselee. Of all the questions the counselor might ask, then, the central guiding question in the counselor's mind is, "How can I pray for you?
- James MacDonald
Be loving in conflict or be loving in frustration or let love command your every interaction because "love never fails."
- James MacDonald
Love is selfless! Love is "you before me" decision making. Need it shorter? Love = Ub4me! There it is.
- James MacDonald
Love is what we need in friendship when we stumble, and truth is what we need when we stray.
- James MacDonald
Do all you can to defeat selfish shepherding in your own heart.
- James MacDonald
Men need to know that you don't need to become a woman to love others as God designed for the benefit of all.
- James MacDonald
advancing the cause of Jesus that didn't begin and end with love. I was wrong, totally wrong, and had to come to the place where I grieved the failure to love as the greatest failure a Christian is capable of.
- James MacDonald
Scripture is so clear that love for God must translate into love for those closest to us.2
- James MacDonald
people who have been saved by grace grow to love giving grace to others.
- James MacDonald
When we see the faults of others, we are to forgive and forbear in humility.
- James MacDonald