Quotes about Compassion
no matter how difficult your life may be during certain seasons, remember to do all you can do to bless, help, and encourage others.
- Joyce Meyer
God Sees the Good in You
- Joyce Meyer
If we are truly listeners and givers, we will try to help others receive what they need and be a blessing to them. But often our problem is that we spend far too much time trying to bless ourselves and not nearly enough time trying to bless someone else. Godly
- Joyce Meyer
It is very helpful for us to remember that "hurting people hurt people." I don't think very many people wake up every day with the thought in mind of purposely seeing how much they can hurt everyone in their life, yet that is often exactly what they do. Why? Usually because they are hurting and have unresolved issues in their own life.
- Joyce Meyer
But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your failings and shortcomings. —MARK 11:25—26 One of the greatest reasons why prayer isn't answered among Christians is unforgiveness. Jesus gave His disciples a command to forgive, and then He told them plainly that if they did not forgive, neither would their Father in heaven forgive them their failings and shortcomings.
- Joyce Meyer
When I walk in love, I am not so caught up in how I feel, but I care more about what is going on in the lives of others than what is going on in mine.
- Joyce Meyer
Be content with what you have, refuse to focus on what you don't have; love others; and stay hopeful concerning what you want and need.
- Joyce Meyer
Do not judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves. For just as you judge and criticize and condemn others, you will be judged and criticized and condemned, and in accordance with the measure you [use to] deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you. Matthew 7:1,2
- Joyce Meyer
The only way to have a friend is to be one. Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Joyce Meyer
Real love has little to do with gooey emotions and goose bumps; and it has everything to do with the choices we make about the way we treat people.
- Joyce Meyer
Don't use people to get money and things, but be committed to using money and material goods to bless people. Rich people can do a lot of good for society if they are willing.
- Joyce Meyer
If you are willing to give yourself away, you will have a much better life than you ever would have had trying to keep yourself.
- Joyce Meyer