Quotes about Fear
To go back is nothing but death; to go forward is fear of death, and life everlasting beyond it. I will yet go forward.
- John Bunyan
But was you not afraid, good sir, when you see him come with his club? It is my duty, said he, to distrust mine own ability, that I may have reliance on him that is stronger than all.
- John Bunyan
Bun. Sir, said I, Wickliffe saith, that he which leaveth off preaching and hearing of the Word of God for fear of excommunication of men, he is already excommunicated of God, and shall in the day of judgment be counted a traitor to Christ.
- John Bunyan
CHR. True or right fear is discovered by three things:-- 1. By its rise; it is caused by saving convictions for sin. 2. It driveth the soul to lay fast hold of Christ for salvation. 3. It begetteth and continueth in the soul a great reverence of God, his Word, and ways, keeping it tender, and making it afraid to turn from them, to the right hand or to the left, to anything that may dishonour God, break its peace, grieve the Spirit, or cause the enemy to speak reproachfully.
- John Bunyan
It is to be called a fearful Word, because of the truth and faithfulness of it. The Scriptures cannot be broken. Here they are called the Scriptures of truth, the true sayings of God, and also the fear of the Lord, for that every jot and tittle thereof is for ever settled in heaven, and stand more steadfast than doth the world—Heaven and earth, saith Christ, shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away (Matt 24:
- John Bunyan
369} HOPE. I do believe, as you say, that fear tends much to men's good, and to make them right, at their beginning to go on pilgrimage.
- John Bunyan
I had also another consideration, and that was, the dread of the torments of hell, which I was sure they must partake of that for fear of the cross, do shrink from their profession of Christ, His words and laws before the sons of men: I thought also of the glory that He had prepared for those that in faith, and love, and patience, stood to His ways before them.
- John Bunyan
Of all fears, they are best that are made by the blood of Christ; and of all joy, that is the sweetest that is mixed with mourning over Christ: Oh! it is a goodly thing to be on our knees, with Christ in our arms, before God: I hope I know something of these things.
- John Bunyan
No fears, no Grace, said James. Tho' there is not always Grace where there is the fear of Hell, yet to be sure there is no Grace where there is no fear of God.
- John Bunyan
True or right fear is revealed in three things. First, it comes with a saving conviction for sin. Also, it drives the soul to lay hold of Christ for salvation. And finally, it births and continues in the soul as a great reverence of God, his Word, and his ways by keeping the soul tender and making it afraid to turn from these things to anything that would dishonor God, break its peace, grieve the Spirit, or cause the enemy to speak reproachfully.
- John Bunyan
must venture. To go back is nothing but death; to go forward is fear of death, and life-everlasting beyond it.
- John Bunyan
fear keeps a man even in his words and judgment of things. It may be compared to the ballast of the ship, and to the poise of the balance of the scales; it keeps all even, and also makes us steer our course right with respect to the things that pertain to God and man.
- John Bunyan