Quotes about Fear
When I ask, "What are you afraid of?" I'm asking, "What is it that immobilizes you? What is stealing your joy and destroying your hope? What is robbing you of sleep, night after night? What keeps you from living by faith and being a risk taker? What keeps you from giving your life wholly to a loving God who wants nothing but the best for you?
- David Jeremiah
Set a clear focus in your life, and fear will be crowded out. The more you fix your eyes on God's purpose for you, the more you will overcome your fear.
- David Jeremiah
Fear in the midst of the storm is instinctive and beneficial. Fear of a storm that could happen is not. It's an intrusive emotion that can lead us to a greatly diminished life.
- David Jeremiah
Biblical heroes were regular people who had to learn the same things you and I have to learn—to drive out fear by increasing their knowledge of God, to shift their focus from their present fear to the eternal God, to replace what they didn't know about the future with what they did know about Him.
- David Jeremiah
For this is a lesson to carry with you all your life long. God demands our allegiance above all things. We are to remain steadfast with him, even when things are the hardest, even when we are weakest, even when we are angry, even when we are afraid. These are all forces from beyond the boundaries of Eden. They exist, yes, and they test us. But we can carry the holy garden with us wherever we go, so long as our hearts remain true to God.
- Davis Bunn
I think 9/11 affected everybody in one way or another.
- Dolly Parton
All anxiety is fear-based.
- Kenneth Copeland
I tend to write about my anxieties - it's what I'm afraid will happen. And I write a story working it out.
- Rainbow Rowell
Yes, for me, for me He careth With a brother's tender care; Yes, with me, with me He shareth Every burden, every fear.
- Horatius Bonar
Some Christians feel embarrassed to admit doubts because they've been told that if they just had enough faith, they'd harbor no doubts. They worry that people might find out about their doubts and, consequently, think less of them as Jesus's followers. If we meet someone who struggles in this way, let's be ready to remind them that since God knows our doubts already, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by admitting them and asking for help.
- Hugh Ross
News these days was a constant play on people's fears, and he seldom watched it.
- Colleen Coble
Fear was a suffocating companion that constantly tried to smother his faith.
- Colleen Coble