Quotes about Fear
No one could make a choice without feeling afraid. That's was the law of life..and no one could escape.
- Paulo Coelho
people need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want. "We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it's our life or our possessions and property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand.
- Paulo Coelho
Fear is the anticipation of the pain in the future. Anger is the remembrance of pain in the past. Hostility is wanting to get even.
- Deepak Chopra
Creativity is often blocked by trying to be perfect. Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
- Tony Robbins
Creativity takes courage.
- Henri Matisse
Grant that I may worship and pray unto Thee with as much reverence and godly fear, as if I saw the heavens open and all the angels that stand around Thy throne. Amen.
- William Law
To lessen your fear and regard to the opinion of the world, think how soon the world will disregard you, and have no more thought or concern about you, than about the poorest animal that died in a ditch...Is it therefore worth your while to lose the smallest degree of virtue, for the sake of pleasing so bad a master, and so false a friend, as the world is?
- William Law
Babies who have not yet been taught to speak any language are the only race of the earth, the race of man: all the rest is pretence, what we call civilization, hatred, fear, desire for strength.
- William Saroyan
Facing our fears, skeletons, and mistakes is paramount in finding ourselves-in living with ourselves. Once it's done, that fear will be laid to rest, and she'll be stronger for having dealt with it and have more peace becausse she's not carrying the weight of that fear every day and night.
- Cindy Woodsmall
I don't think God puts us on this earth so we can be afraid of stepping into the unknown. Isn't tomorrow an unknown even if we all stay right here where tradition is kept and every piece of ground is familiar?
- Cindy Woodsmall
Because of fear, I had forfeited strength, life, and beauty. I had lost a sense of my true self, and with that loss so much of what God wanted for me was yet unrealized.
- Lisa Bevere
It is not just shameful for a contemporary American poet to use rhymes, it is unthinkable. It seems banal to him; he fears banality worse than anything, and therefore, he uses free verse - though free verse is no guarantee against banality.
- Joseph Brodsky