Quotes about Fear
For a lot of people in our world today, God has become about believing the right stuff so you don't get in trouble.
- Rob Bell
God is good, there is no devil but fear.
- Elbert Hubbard
Fear of God failing us leads us to "cover for God." This means we ask, expect, and are satisfied with less.
- Francis Chan
The course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain. Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war, and we know that God is not neutral between them.
- George W. Bush
We cannot think that God frightens us with threatenings which He really does not mean to carry out, without doing Himself obvious dishonour.
- Henry Parry Liddon
Lord, what if I miss You? What if I miss You? What if I miss You? Oh, I'm so scared! God, what if I miss You? He answered simply, "Joyce, don't worry; if you miss Me, I will find you.
- Joyce Meyer
Fear is a thief. It robbed Peter of a perfectly good walk on water, & kept the other eleven in the boat.
- Bill Johnson
Without courage we will simply accumulate a collection of good ideas and regrets.
- Andy Stanley
In modern war... you will die like a dog for no good reason.
- Ernest Hemingway
The fear of saying something stupid (which stupid people never have) has censored far more good ideas than bad ones.
- Alain de Botton
A good leader shares information, even if they don't know the whole story. Without any information, people create their own, which causes fear and paranoia.
- Simon Sinek
The fact is that blank pages inspire me with terror. What will I put on them? Will it be good enough? Will I have to throw it out?
- Margaret Atwood