Quotes about Fear
Please deliver me from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid that he may come and attack me and the mothers and children with me.
- Genesis 32:11
As they set out, a terror from God fell over the surrounding cities, so that they did not pursue Jacob’s sons.
- Genesis 35:5
During her severe labor, the midwife said to her, “Do not be afraid, for you are having another son.”
- Genesis 35:17
But Jacob did not send Joseph’s brother Benjamin with his brothers, for he said, “I am afraid that harm might befall him.”
- Genesis 42:4
and on the third day he said to them, “I fear God. So do this and you will live:
- Genesis 42:18
But the brothers were frightened that they had been taken to Joseph’s house. “We have been brought here because of the silver that was returned in our bags the first time,” they said. “They intend to overpower us and take us as slaves, along with our donkeys.”
- Genesis 43:18
When one of them was gone, I said: “Surely he has been torn to pieces.” And I have not seen him since.
- Genesis 44:28
Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph! Is my father still alive?” But they were unable to answer him, because they were terrified in his presence.
- Genesis 45:3
“Look,” he said to his people, “the Israelites have become too numerous and too powerful for us.
- Exodus 1:9
Come, let us deal shrewdly with them, or they will increase even more; and if a war breaks out, they may join our enemies, fight against us, and leave the country.”
- Exodus 1:10
But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and flourished; so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites.
- Exodus 1:12
The midwives, however, feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt had instructed; they let the boys live.
- Exodus 1:17