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Quotes about Fear

The wise man in the storm prays God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. It is the storm within which endangers him, not the storm without.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Delaying giving as a strategy for future kingdom building is risky. We could hold on to assets out of fear of letting go or unwillingness to surrender control to the Lord. As long as money lies within our grasp, there's not only the danger that we'll lose the assets, but also that we'll change our minds or be seduced by the status, prestige, and recognition of controlling (or having our name attached to the distribution of) what belongs to God.
- Randy Alcorn
We are more concerned about looking stupid (fear of people) than we are about acting sinfully (fear of the Lord)." —Edward T. Welch
- Randy Alcorn
The fear of God is the death of every other fear; like a mighty lion, it chases all other fears before it." —Charles Spurgeon
- Randy Alcorn
A true believer may spend a sleepless night doubting God. But what keeps a Communist awake at night is his fear there is a God. His wishful thinking is that God does not exist. For if there is no God, there is no Judge and, therefore, no judgment for his wickedness. But if there is a God, he knows he will not fare well before him. Or that God will make demands on him he does not wish to fulfill.
- Randy Alcorn
The fear of God is a profound respect for His holiness, which includes a fear of the consequences of disobeying Him.
- Randy Alcorn
Montaigne said something that rings true for many of us: "My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.
- Randy Alcorn
Looking back," Ruby said, "I wonder why I was so afraid to grow old. Every day brought me one day closer to being here with You.
- Randy Alcorn
The fear of God is the death of every other fear; like a mighty lion, it chases all other fears before it." —Charles Spurgeon   "We are more concerned about looking stupid (fear of people) than we are about acting sinfully (fear of the Lord)." —Edward T. Welch
- Randy Alcorn
Pain can easily produce the sense of being abandoned. The presence of someone who loves and cares can most persuasively counter that fear. God's words were important to Job, but most important to him was the assurance that God was with him through it all, revealing Himself to Job at the most critical moment. And Job said, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you" (Job 42:5).
- Ravi Zacharias
David talked often about how discouraged or fearful he would become at times. Then he would interject these words, But then I entered the sanctuary... Being in God's presence affects all other relationships for the better. To have first seen her husband in prayer surely remained a cherish moment for Rebekah.
- Ravi Zacharias
More often than not religious rites are performed out of fear or superstition. And they are seldom questioned or examined.
- Ravi Zacharias