Quotes about Fear
Not all who hesitate are lost.
- Joseph Campbell
The inflated ego of the tyrant is a curse to himself and his world — no matter how his affairs may seem to prosper. Self-terrorized, fear-haunted, alert at every hand to meet and battle back the anticipated aggressions of his environment, which are primarily the reflections of the uncontrollable impulses to acquisition within himself, the giant of self-achieved independence is the world's messenger of disaster
- Joseph Campbell
The passage to fulfillment lies between the perils of desire and fear.
- Joseph Campbell
It is hard to be brave, when you're only a Very Small Animal.
- AA Milne
It is hard to be brave,' said Piglet, sniffing slightly, 'when you're only a Very Small Animal.
- AA Milne
The fear of making permanent commitments can change the mutual love of husband and wife into two loves of self-two loves existing side by side, until they end in separation.
- Pope John Paul II
If I were your enemy, I'd magnify your fears, making them appear insurmountable, intimidating you with enough worries until avoiding them becomes your driving motivation. I would use anxiety to cripple you, to paralyze you, leaving you indecisive, clinging to safety and sameness, always on the defensive because of what might happen. When you hear the word faith, all I'd want you to hear is "unnecessary risk.
- Priscilla Shirer
Valor grows by daring, fear by holding back.
- Publilius Syrus
I am more afraid of my own heart than of the pope and all his cardinals. I have within me the great pope, Self. MARTIN LUTHER (1483—1546)
- RT Kendall
People are so fearful about opening themselves up. All you want to do is to be able to connect with other people. When you connect with other people, you connect with something in yourself. It makes you feel happy. And yet it's so scary - it makes people feel vulnerable and unsafe.
- Toni Collette
It is hard for me to be vulnerable, because I never learned how to do that. I was never vulnerable in a safe way.
- Tucker Max
I don't wake up drenched in sweat because I haven't been on stage in years.
- John Malkovich