Quotes about Fear
the fear of God is the reverence we give to God Almighty because He has the power and authority to give us what we do deserve. The
- Patrick Morley
Don't fear your weaknesses—God supplies all the strength you need. Be afraid of those moments when you think you're independently strong.
- Paul David Tripp
Fear in a believer is a function of forgetfulness. To the degree that you forget who God is, who you are as his child, and what you have been given by his grace, fear is your default emotion.
- Paul David Tripp
Christ's sacrifice satisfied the Father's anger so that, as his child, you will receive his discipline but need not fear his wrath.
- Paul David Tripp
Suffering causes us to scan our lives and face the fact that we control very little. So we mourn not only our suffering but also what it has forced us to admit about ourselves. Our loss of the illusion of control also adds to the fear that accompanies suffering.
- Paul David Tripp
In your weakness, worry, doubt, and fear, he pleads to the Father in your defense.
- Paul David Tripp
Many people have talked to me about God in the middle of difficulties, and after listening to them, I have been struck that, if I believed in the "God" they described, I wouldn't run to him for help either, and I'd be in a panic
- Paul David Tripp
The grief of midlife is not simply that we all collect things to regret, that we all fear getting old, or that we all mourn the demise of our dreams. We mourn the fact that midlife exposes our idols' fundamental inability to deliver.
- Paul David Tripp
Perhaps all the fear of man, the pride of knowing, the seduction of acclaim, the quest for control, the depression in the face of hardship, the envy of the ministry of others, the bitterness against detractors, and the anxiety of failure are all about the same thing. Each of these struggles is about the temptation to make your ministry about you. From that first dark moment in the garden, this has been the struggle—to make it all about us.
- Paul David Tripp
Because God is my Sovereign, my life is never out of control, and because he is my Savior, he blesses me with everything I need to live in the middle of things that are beyond my control. He is a sovereign Savior, which means I don't need to fear, because he is with me and he provides everything I need for the places where his plan leads me. He rules, and he graces me with everything I need to live inside his rule with peace, hope, and courage. Why, then, should I fear?
- Paul David Tripp
The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? PSALM 27:1
- Paul David Tripp
And not only does he live inside of you, he rules all the situations, locations, and relationships that are out of your control. He is not only your indwelling Savior, he is your reigning King. He does in you what you could not do for yourself and he does outside of you what you have no power or authority to do. And he does all of this with your redemptive good in mind. Since this is true, why would you give way to fear?
- Paul David Tripp