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Quotes about Fear

The enemy wants to steal our peace and keep us stirred up, anxious, fearful, upset, and always in a stance of waiting for something terrible to happen at any minute. The enemy wants us unable to forget the terrible things that occurred in the past and instead remember them as though they happened yesterday.
- Stormie Omartian
When we wrap God's truth around us, it protects us by strengthening our core being. The enemy uses lies to confuse people and fill them with anxiety and fear. The apostle John said, "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one" (1 John 5:19). The enemy's lies completely mess up our thinking and weaken us if we believe them. Every day we must combat his lies with God's truth.
- Stormie Omartian
He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them. PSALM 145:19 Where there is no vision, the people perish. PROVERBS 29:18 KJV You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. PSALM 145:16
- Stormie Omartian
When we think about how frightening a place the world is, and how rampant and pervasive evil is, and how helpless we feel to do anything about those things, we can drive ourselves crazy with concern.
- Stormie Omartian
Life isn't sure, life is scary, It doesn't mean you stop living it.
- Susan May Warren
It's an awe-filled, wonderful, terrifying act to have a child, for you suddenly wear your heart on the outside of your body. You risk a little more each day as he wanders from your arms into the world.
- Susan May Warren
The irony of all this is that God of perfect justice is both the one for whom we long and the one whom we dread. We long for someone to set things right, to punish those who terrorize, molest, kills and enslave the innocent... we want a judge with total power and piercing commitment to righteousness. But when his eyes turn on us, we realize that we too, are guilty. We, too, deserve his judgement.
- Joshua Harris
Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway.
- Joyce Meyer
We all have our inner demons.
- Glenn Beck
I'm really freaked out by time. How, for instance, what I did last week is not real in the sense that it's happened. It's just a memory that's filed away in my brain.
- Shura
It is soul-satisfying to know that God is mindful of us and ready to respond when we place our trust in Him and do that which is right. There is no place for fear among men and women who place their trust in the Almighty and who do not hesitate to humble themselves in seeking divine guidance through prayer. Though persecutions arise, though reverses come, in prayer we can find reassurance, for God will speak peace to the soul. That peace, that spirit of serenity, is life's greatest blessing
- Ezra Taft Benson
How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.
- Florence Nightingale