Quotes about Fear
When safety becomes our god, we worship the risk-free life. Can the safety lover do anything great? Can the risk-averse accomplish noble deeds? For God? For others? No. The fear-filled cannot love deeply. Love is risky. They cannot give to the poor. Benevolence has no guarantee of return. The fear-filled cannot dream wildly. What if their dreams sputter and fall from the sky? The worship of safety emasculates greatness. No wonder Jesus wages such a war against fear. His
- Max Lucado
Before you count coins or count heads, count the number of times Jesus has helped you face the impossible. Before you lash out in fear, look up in faith. Take a moment. Turn to your Father for help.
- Max Lucado
Feed your fears and your faith will starve. Feed your faith and your fears will.
- Max Lucado
Answer: Your nights are long because you carry too much fear. I've been watching you. Why don't you give those fears to me? Stop trying to fix everyone (including your husband) and figure everything out. And I haven't heard you laugh in quite a while. Lighten up. I love it when you are happy. Remember, come to me when you are weary and tired. I can help you.
- Max Lucado
Whoever fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge. PROVERBS 14:26
- Max Lucado
We fear saying the wrong thing or using the wrong tone or acting the wrong way. So rather than do it incorrectly, we do nothing at all.
- Max Lucado
Rejoice in the Lord. This is step one. Do not hurry past it. Face God before you face your problem. Then you will be ready to… Ask God for help. "Let your requests be made known to God" (Phil. 4:6). Fear triggers either despair or prayer. Choose wisely. God said, "Call on me in the day of trouble" (Ps. 50:15 NIV).
- Max Lucado
God will do that for you. Your Jericho is your fear. Your Jericho is your anger, bitterness, or prejudice. Your insecurity about the future. Your guilt about the past. Your negativity, anxiety, and proclivity to criticize, overanalyze, or compartmentalize. Your Jericho is any attitude or mind-set that keeps you from joy, peace, or rest.
- Max Lucado
And sometimes, no, oftentimes, we allow those mistakes to keep us from God. Our guilty conscience becomes a curtain that separates us from God. As a result we hide from our Master.
- Max Lucado
Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men" (v. 10). Contrary to what you may have been told, Jesus doesn't limit his recruiting to the stout-hearted. The beat up and worn out are prime prospects in his book, and he's been known to climb into boats, bars, and brothels to tell them, "It's not too late to start over.
- Max Lucado
Choose Calm 6.?Ponder this statement: "The mind cannot at the same time be full of God and full of fear.
- Max Lucado
You can't see the warden. You can't see the locks. But you can see the prisoners. You can see them as they sit on their bunks and bemoan their fate. They want to live, but they can't because they are doomed to do what they most want to avoid—they will die. Imagine Jesus seeing us in our "prisons" of fear:
- Max Lucado