Quotes about Fear
It passed through his mind that if he missed this chance of talking to Katharine, he would have to face an enraged ghost, when he was alone in his room again, demanding an explanation of his cowardly indecision. It was better, on the whole, to risk present discomfiture than to waste an evening bandying excuses and constructing impossible scenes with this uncompromising section of himself.
- Virginia Woolf
Friend, never fear dying. Dying is the last, but the least matter that a person has to be anxious about. Fear living, that is a hard battle to fight, a stern discipline to endure, a rough voyage to undergo ! Charles Spurgeon
- Lao Tzu
Pride attaches undue importance to the superiority of one's status in the eyes of others And shame is fear of humiliation at one's inferior status in the estimation of others. When one sets his heart on being highly esteemed, and achieves such rating, then he is automatically involved in fear of losing his status.
- Lao Tzu
Only the brave know how to forgiveā¦. A coward never forgave; it is not in his nature.
- Laurence Sterne
'Twould be as much as my life was worth.
- Laurence Sterne
People who cannot restrain their own baser instincts, who cannot treat one another with civility, are not capable of self-government... without virtue, a society can be ruled only by fear, a truth that tyrants understand all too well
- Charles Colson
I wants to make your flesh creep.
- Charles Dickens
Man is but mortal; and there is a point beyond which human courage cannot extend.
- Charles Dickens
But the shadow of the manner of these Defarges was dark upon himself, for all that, and in his secret mind it troubled him greatly.
- Charles Dickens
In England, there was scarcely an amount of order and protection to justify much national boasting. Daring burglaries by armed men, and highway robberies, took place in the capital itself every night; families were publicly cautioned not to go out
- Charles Dickens
Don't be afraid to hear me. Don't shrink from anything I say. I am like one who died young: all my life might have been.
- Charles Dickens
Thus fearful alike, of those within the prison and of those without; of noise and silence; light and darkness; of being released, and being left there to die; he was so tortured and tormented, that nothing man has ever done to man in the horrible caprice of power and cruelty, exceeds his self-inflicted punishment.
- Charles Dickens